Monday, December 14, 2009

Day 1-3

Day 1 ---> 婺源
it is known as the most beautiful kampong in China.. for my knowlegde, many of the popular people come from there.. such as 金庸
i wonder the ticket is so high uses fingerprint recog. system...

the entrance of the kampong...

i was so surprise that there is a pub...wakakaka
mayb just selling local wine and tonic drinks...

小桥流水人家 and washing all will be done in the same small river...

this dog is very clever and loves to take photo...when i took out my camera, it ran to the front of my mum under the LEE board...maybe it is also LEE..

the day was still bright...but people were still gamble... maybe it is legal in China...

Rainbow Bridge.. built by a pair of good friends...but we didn't manage to walk across it as it was undergoing repairs...

Day 2 ---> 景德镇
it is a town famous with porcelain production

all productions are handmade...
we cannot do that if our eyesights are not good enough...

i realized that 青花瓷 is not green in colour but blue instead...hahaha

copy from XC...

"天青色等烟雨 而我在等你

炊烟袅袅升起 隔江千万里"


whole street is selling porcelain productions...

we sure cannot see this in Muar....

RMB 2 for cleaning your shoes...

Day 3 ---> 鹰潭
my dad was reading newspaper again.... my aunt was so tired... while waiting for check out in the hotel...

on the way to 龙虎山

traditional lifestyle of the villagers...

my aunt looked like malay oh... because she is scared of sunlight... she is a beauty-conscious woman...

many people was in the clinic...

they were getting IV....

a group picture... at 天师府... the origin of TAOism...

仙水源... after got interpretation from tour guide because i don't know how to read those old words..

took some pictures while waiting to get on board...

on board already.... our small sampan didn't provide us with life jackets.... but the people there said it will be safe... no worries...

watching the performance of putting coffin in the cave....the past people believe that the higher the position, the nearer to the heaven..the the Chine government gives rewards of RMB 40 000 to those who can answer how the people in the past put the coffins into the caves without any technology...

wearing high heels still can row the boat...

the hill looks like a face right??
it is the face of 鲁迅


but no snow and people...

finally i arrived safely!!! took picture to keep as memory...

OMG.... it's an OPEN toilet.... i prefered don't go to the toilet....

忍忍忍 =.=

i was going to back to the starting point of the river... again... by sampan... but this time was much more dangerous... the sampan with no any border although the river is calm... god bless me!!!

luckily, we bought the plastic covers.. if not, my nike will be drown... hehehe.... the air was cold enough to kill my sis... she was nagging all the way back to the jetty... i was enjoying he river view... and listening secretly to the unknown people (a pair of China mum and daughter) who took the same sampan with us....


XC said...



evelyn said...

i know gt a lot of things to write... but my writing skill not the whole trip just like nt interesting...

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